I order for us to discuss Access Wireless recertification, we must make sure that we are all up-to-date and that we all know about the basics related to the recertification process.
Since this article is intended for a wide public, there might be many of your reading it, who know all about, the Lifeline Assistance program, however, at the same time, there might be many of you who are poorly informed regarding this government-supported program.
The Lifeline Assistance program offers households that have either low-income or have a member participating in one of the predefined government-supported programs a discount towards their monthly telecommunication service. However, there are many wireless companies, including Access Wireless that took this support one step further and are offering free monthly plans to those that are eligible for the Lifeline Assistance.
The Lifeline Assistance support operates on a yearly basis, which means that you must recertify annually to continue receiving the support.
As the title suggests, this article will provide you with a ton of useful information regarding the Access Wireless recertification process, which will help you complete the Access Wireless recertification with ease and completely stress-free.
How To Recertify With Access Wireless?
You may already know this; the Lifeline Assistance plans and thus the rules tend to slightly vary from state to state and so the Access Wireless recertification process. However, by dividing the process into three categories, we can cover all possible cases.
The three types of recertification: Non-National Verifier States, National Verifier State, and California recertification.
Note: California has its type of Lifeline program that offers the most beneficial services.
Non-National Verifier States:
Access Wireless will contact you with instructions when you are in the open renewal period. To begin the recertification process, you will have three option:
- You will be able to complete the Access Wireless recertification online (visit their website and login to your account). There simply for the instruction on the screen, enter the necessary data and complete the verification.
- Call 611 from your Access Wireless Phone.
- Call 1-866-594-3644 from any other phone.
National Verifier States:
Note: This is probably the right place to explain the National Verifier (NV), which is a cover organization through which you can apply for the Lifeline Support. Is some states you may apply directly via the individual wireless provider (in our case Access Wireless) but in other states you must apply via the NV and then provide the Wireless Provider with the proper documentation proving that you applied with the NV.
If you have applied via the National Verifier, the NV will contact you via mail with instructions when you are in the renewal period. Access Wireless may also send you these instructions as well as part of their courtesy. Simply follow the instructions provided and complete the process.
Access Wireless California Recertification:
In California, there are four different ways to recertify that you still qualify to receive your lifeline benefit:
- Renew online via your smartphone.
- Call the California Lifeline Administrator at 1-877-858-7463 to renew over the phone.
- Renew online via a desktop computer.
- Return the PINK envelope with the completed application sent to you by the California Lifeline Administrator.
When it is time for you to recertify your Lifeline benefit, the California Lifeline Administrator will send you a pink envelope with the renewal form inside. Access Wireless will also send you a text message to let you know it’s time to be on the lookout for messages from them. Check out California lifeline government free phone
Important Details On Access Wireless
- Access Wireless offers mobile phone service to eligible residents as part of the government-funded Lifeline Assistance program. Lifeline is intended to help individuals experiencing financial hardship stay connected to family members, schools and child care providers, as well as be reachable to potential employers and have a means of communicating in case of an emergency. The valuable service that Lifeline provides is designed to be a bridge for those striving for self-sufficiency.
- Access Wireless service is FREE to eligible customers. There are no monthly bills, long-term contracts, activation fees, recurring fees, or surcharges for Access Wireless customers.
- Access Wireless provides customers with a free monthly allotment of minutes/text messages and data each month. You may also receive a mobile phone free of charge. Once you are an approved customer, you have the option to upgrade your phone and add airtime to your plan.
- Access Wireless Lifeline plans include Free voicemail, Caller ID & Call Waiting, Free domestic long distance, Nationwide coverage, Exclusive Wireless Rewards program
- Access Wireless customers needing more airtime can purchase additional minutes and/or data by logging into My Account and selecting “Add Airtime”.
- Customers may purchase an upgraded handset at their own expense by shopping our online collection of phones. An ESN change will need to take place to transfer to an Access Wireless account to the new device. To request an ESN change, call 1-866-594-3644.
- The phone provided by Access Wireless may vary by manufacturer and model and are dependent on inventory availability.
- Access Wireless is only available to individuals who participate in a qualifying government program or are income-eligible.
- Your Access Wireless account must be in the name of the qualified customer and service is non-transferable, even to another low-income customer.
- You must provide your date of birth, social security number as required by the state, proof of identification, and proof of program participation on your application to be approved for service.
- Access Wireless customers may have restrictions on the selection of available i-wireless rate plan offerings.
- You must notify Access Wireless within 30 days if you no longer qualify for the program, or if you change your address.
- Access Wireless customers authorize Access Wireless to release any records required for the administration of the Lifeline program as requested by the Universal Service Administrative Company.
- Lifeline service is provided by i-wireless, LLC d/b/a Access Wireless, an eligible telecommunications carrier.
- Violation of the one-per-household rule constitutes a violation of FCC rules and will result in the customer’s de-enrollment from Lifeline.
- Consumers who willfully make a false statement to obtain a Lifeline benefit can be punished by fine or imprisonment or can be barred from the program.
- Customer information will be validated against public records and any discrepancies could result in delays in approval or rejection of service.
- If you experience an equipment malfunction, please call us at 1-866-594-3644 and we will discuss your options for a replacement phone.
- Upon receipt of your Access Wireless phone, you will need to follow the activation instructions included in the package. Once your phone is activated, your free monthly allotment will automatically be added to your account. You will continue to receive your Lifeline benefit monthly.
Information Needed For Access Wireless Recertify Process
You will need your Access Wireless account login detail (if recertifying online), which includes your phone number and your passcode.
Other information needed:
- Enrollment Code
- Personal Identification Number (PIN)
- Your birthday
- Last 4 digits of SSN
- Zip Code
Note: As explained in the ‘How to Recertify with Access Wireless?’ section, there are several different ways to recertify your Access Wireless benefits, thus you won’t necessarily need all of the above information but it is recommended that you have those pieces of information ready.
Accesswireless.com/lifeline/recertification Customer Service
If you are recertifying, you are and existing Access Wireless client and should call them at 1-866-594-3644.
Customer Care Hours of Operation:
- Monday – Friday: 8am – Midnight EST
- Saturday: 9am – Midnight EST
- Sunday: 10am – 7pm EST
Is The Recertify Process Mandatory?
Participants in the Lifeline Program must recertify annually that they remain eligible for the program and that no one else in their household receives Lifeline Program supported service.
What Proofs Must I Submit?
Access Wireless users will receive a package via mail explaining the documents that must be submitted. This package will request the documents that failed the automated validations.
What Happens If I Don’t Receive My Packet?
Since Access Wireless uses several ways to inform you about the arriving package, you will soon notice if it doesn’t arrive, however, this rarely happens.
If you haven’t received your package, call the Access Wireless support. Perhaps they have your wrong address in their system.
Where Can I Obtain More Information?
We did our very best to provide you with as much information as possible, however, there might be additional question you need answers to. To obtain those, visit Access Wireless’s website and use their search box to type in the keywords related to your question. You may also visit their FAQs page or call their support (information provided above).
Will I Lose My Service As A Result Of A Failed Validation?
Yes. If you do not complete the recertification process, you will no longer receive your free monthly Lifeline benefit and your phone will no longer work unless you add money to your account.
About Access Wireless
Access Wireless is a wireless provider devoted to those eligible for the Lifeline Assistance program designed to ensure that quality telecommunications and broadband internet access services are universally available to income-qualifying customers at reasonable and affordable rates. Access Wireless provides income-eligible customers with a monthly allotment of airtime. Check out access wireless compatible phone and access wireless order replacement phone
Access Wireless Brands
Access Wireless is owned and offered by the company i-wireless LLC, which is United States based mobile virtual network operator. I-wireless also owns Kroger Wireless, which is devoted to pre-paid plans. And thus great option for those already on Access Wireless plan looking to add a line for another household/family member.
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