Gen Mobile is a prepaid wireless company that offers affordable wireless service plans, high-quality mobile devices from top brands, international services, and other perks. The company also allows customers to bring their own devices to Gen’s services if they already have a device they love and wish to keep. However, to bring your own phone to Gen Mobile, the device must be GSM-compatible, carrier-unlocked, and compatible with Gen Mobile’s services. However, once you bring your unlocked device to Gen Mobile you should reset the phone and enter Gen Mobile APN settings. This way, you can make the most of your Gen Mobile experience. Let’s find out how to do so.
Why Do I Need to Change Gen Mobile APN Settings?
If you are a Gen Mobile customer and you have purchased a device directly from Gen Mobile, you don’t have to change anything, as the device is locked to Gen Mobile’s network and therefore it contains all the right settings that make the device as compatible with Gen Mobile’s services as possible.
APN stands for Access Point Name, and it refers to the settings that allow your smartphone to connect to a mobile network. These settings include the network name, authentication type, proxy settings, and more. Fixing the APN settings may be necessary in certain situations, such as:
- Network Connection Issues: If you are experiencing difficulties connecting to the internet or making calls, incorrect APN settings could be the cause. Adjusting the settings can help establish a proper network connection.
- Mobile Hotspot or Tethering: When using your device as a mobile hotspot or for tethering, configuring the correct APN settings is crucial to enable data sharing with other devices.
- Changing Network Providers: If you switch to a new network provider or insert a SIM card from a different carrier into your phone (bring your own phone), you may need to update the APN settings to align with the new network’s requirements.
- International Roaming: While traveling abroad, your phone may require updated APN settings to connect to local networks and ensure proper data usage without incurring excessive roaming charges.
Fixing the APN settings involves accessing the network settings on your device and modifying the APN configuration to match the specifications provided by your network provider. This process allows your smartphone to establish a secure and reliable connection to the mobile network, ensuring seamless internet access and communication services.
How Can I Change Gen Mobile APN Settings on Android?
Access APN settings on Android phones through the following paths:
- Settings > Wireless & Networks > More > Cellular Networks > Access Point Names
- Settings > Network & Internet > Mobile Network > Access Point Names
Then, follow these steps:
- Select the “+” symbol to create a new APN configuration.
- Modify the settings according to the specifications provided below.
- Save the changes made to the APN settings.
- Return to the Cellular Network Settings screen and ensure that “Enable 4G Data” is activated.
- Go back to the APN screen and select the button next to the newly created APN configuration.
- Restart the phone if needed.
How Can I Change Gen Mobile APN Settings on iPhone?
Modify APN settings on iPhones by accessing the following paths:
- Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data Options > Cellular Network
- Settings > Mobile Data > Mobile Data Options > Mobile Data Network
Then, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the APN screen.
- Edit the APN settings according to the below-provided instructions.
- Save the changes made to the APN settings.
- Restart the device if necessary.
Gen Mobile APN Settings on Android
To set up Gen Mobile APN settings on Android, enter the following values:
- Name: Gen-Mobile-INTERNET
- APN: internet
- Proxy: Not set/Blank
- Port: Not set/Blank
- Username: Not set/Blank
- Passwords: Not set/Blank
- Server: Not set/Blank
- MMSC: Not set/Blank
- MMS proxy: Not set/Blank
- MMS port: Not set/Blank
- MCC: Leave as default (470)
- MNC: Leave as default (02)
- Authentication type: Not set/None
- APN type: default,supl
- APN protocol: IPv4/IPv6
- APN roaming Protocol: IPv4/IPv6
- APN enable/disable: APN enabled
- Bearer: Unspecified
- MVNO type: None
- MVNO Value: N/A
- Mobile virtual network operator type: None
- Mobile virtual network operator value: Not set/Blank
Additionally, if you wish to set up MMS on Android, press the Add Access Point Name option and enter the following values:
- Name: Gen-Mobile-MMS
- APN: internet
- Proxy: Not set/Blank
- Port: Not set/Blank
- Username: Not set/Blank
- Passwords: Not set/Blank
- Server: Not set/Blank
- MMSC: default
- MMS proxy: default
- MMS port: default
- MCC: Leave as default (470)
- MNC: Leave as default (02)
- Authentication type: Not set/None
- APN type: mms
- APN protocol: IPv4/IPv6
- APN roaming Protocol: IPv4/IPv6
- APN enable/disable: APN enabled
- Bearer: Unspecified
- MVNO type: None
- MVNO Value: N/A
- Mobile virtual network operator type: None
- Mobile virtual network operator value: Not set/Blank
Gen Mobile APN Settings on iPhone
After following the steps outlined before to change your APN settings on iPhone, make sure to enter the following values:
Cellular Data/ Mobile Data
- APN: internet
- Username: Blank
- Passwords: Blank
LTE Setup (Optional)
- APN: internet
- Username: Blank
- Passwords: Blank
To change your MMS settings, enter the following values:
- APN: internet
- Username: Blank
- Passwords: Blank
- MMSC: unchanged
- MMS Proxy: unchanged
- MMS Message Size: unchanged
- MMS UA Prof URL: unchanged
Finally, to change your personal hotspot settings on iPhone, enter these details:
- APN: internet
- Username: Blank
- Passwords: Blank