The Lifeline Assistance support requires all Lifeline beneficiaries to recertify every year. When it comes to the Safelink’s Lifeline plans, all existing clients must recertify each year to continue enjoying free monthly plans and airtime.
The long term plan is to enable automated recertification using the National Verifier, however, in the present time the automated recertification process is only possible in certain states, thus all Safelink clients must perform the process that will be explained in this article.
Herein we will provide you will all the information you need to complete Safelink Wireless recertification with easy and without any stress. Think of this article as a guide to recertify with Safelink.
How to Recertify with Safelink?
This section will provide you with detailed steps needed to perform to complete the recertify process with the Safelink, as such you may look at it as the guide to Recertify with Safelink.
The best thing about the Safelink Wireless recertification process is that it can be done fast online. It only takes a couple of simple steps, which we will explain as we move along.
As mentioned, the recertify process is done online at So to complete the process you will need to visit the provided URL. However, before you click on the link, we advise you to read through the information provided herein. This will help you avoid any confusion and complete the recertify process fast and easy.
To initiate Safelink Wireless recertification process you have two options, you may either use the Enrollment ID, which will require you to enter fewer details or go with the second option, where you will have to enter your postal district and additional personal information.
After entering information related to either of the above choices, you must click the “Submit” button to finish the process.
Important details on Safelink
There is some important information that you should be aware of. They go as follows:
- Recertify process requires the same eligibility requirements as the initial Lifeline application, which means that your household must be at 135% of the government poverty guidelines or below or at least one household member must participate in one of the government-supported programs. You must be capable of providing sufficient documents sporting the applicable qualifying reason. Check out low income free phone
- Only one Lifeline Assistance support can be received per household. This means that you can use the benefits of the Lifeline Assistance only at a single telecommunication service provider at the time, either for wireless, landline, or internet services.
- Household is considered as an individual or gathering of people who live respectively at the same address as one monetary unit. A ”monetary unit” is characterized as ”every single grown-up individual adding to and partaking in the salary and costs of a family or household.
- Whether you are using Safelink’s free phone or your phone (if you joined via Bring Your Own Phone option) you can surf the web. The Lifeline plan includes a certain amount of free data, moreover, you can purchase additional airtime if needed and if you can afford it, of course.
- Changing between Lifeline suppliers is simple and can be done easily. In most cases, you can even keep your existing phone number. However, keep in mind that you may only use one supplier’s Lifeline benefits at the time.
- Safelink plans vary from state to state and even from zip code area to zip code area. You get a specific amount of free minutes, texts and data each month. Moreover, you may even get a FREE device. SIM card is FREE even if you are bringing your own device.
Information Needed for Recertify Process
To complete the Safelink Wireless Recertification process you will need to enter the following information:
- OPTION 1 (without the Enrollment ID):
- Your birthday
- Last 4 digits of SSN
- Zip Code
- OPTION 2 (with the Enrollment ID):
- Enrollment number
- The last 4 digits of the SSN
In both cases you will need to enter the Captcha verification code; simply enter the code combination of letters and numbers. If you prefer to hear the code, click the “play” button. You may also request a new code image if the existing one is not clear to you. Customer Service
In case you need help with the process or have any additional help, simply use the information below. Of course, the fastest and simplest way is to call them during their working hours.
- Mail Address: SafeLink Wireless PO Box 220009 Milwaukie, OR 97269-0009
- Safelink Support working hours: Monday to Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. EST or Sunday 8:00 a.m. – 7 p.m. EST.
- Recertification, Enrollment, and Plan Changes Support: 1-800-723-3546
- For Technical Support ONLY: 1-800-378-1684
Is the Recertify Process Mandatory?
Yes, this process is mandatory for all subscribers. As the NV releases state all subscribers will be validated against automatic Databases. Those that fail must provide proof to resolve any failed validation.
NOTE: The thing about the recertify process can be (in some cases) performed automatically using the National Verifier’s (NV) database. However, in many cases, the following auto-recertify is not possible. Normally, you can expect to be informed by the Safelink.
To continue enjoying your Lifeline benefits, you must complete the recertify process before one year after your initial enrolment or previous recertify date.
What Proofs Must I Submit?
Subscribers will receive a package via mail explaining the documents that must be submitted. This package will request the documents that failed the automated validations.
What Happens if I Don’t Receive My Packet?
You should definitely mark your initial enrolment date or your previous recertify date on your calendar. If you don’t receive a package from Safelink Wireless (as described in the above answer), call their support and ask them if they have your right address.
Where Can I Obtain More Information?
Safelink Wireless’s support is the best place to obtain additional information. National Verifier’s website is also very resourceful. There you can find basically all the information related to the Lifeline program enrolment and recertify process, including all the requirements, all acceptable documents, and many more.
Here are the links:
- Acceptable Documentation for the National Verifier:
- How to get Lifeline:
Will I lose my service as a result of a failed validation?
If you fail to validate on time, you will need to go through the same process as if you were enrolling for the first time.
About Safelink Wireless
If you haven’t heard of the Safelink wireless before, you must be wondering who is Safelink, right?
Safelink Wireless is fully devoted to serving the Lifeline Assistance eligible households by providing them with free monthly plans and even free phones (in certain areas). Safelink Wireless is TracFone’s company, which specializes in prepaid services, as such it operates on the same network.
To use Safelink Wireless, clients must meet the standard Lifeline Assistance criteria.
TracFone Wireless is the biggest no-contract mobile phone administration in the United States. The organization is an auxiliary of America Movil, the fifth-biggest mobile phone organization on the planet with more than 236 million endorsers. TracFone offers the absolute best inclusion out there as the organization’s signs are carried on the towers of more than 30 significant bearers around the nation, which of course all applies to Safelink wireless as well.
Safelink Brands
Here is a list of Safelink related brands:
- NET10 Wireless
- StraightTalk
- TelCel
- Go Smart Mobile
- Page Plus
- Total Wireless
- Tracfone.
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