Does your internet keep disconnecting and reconnecting? If so, you know how irritating and inconvenient it can be. As it’s often difficult to determine the reason behind these mysterious Wi-Fi drops, it is also hard to fix it. Nevertheless, we did the digging for you and found the most common reasons for this issue and all the ways how to fix it.
What Are the Consequences of Your Internet Disconnecting?
If you are using your internet-connected device (smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer) and your internet connection suddenly drops, you may experience a number of different consequences, each one more inconvenient than the other. These consequences include:
- Internet drops affect productivity and concentration.
- Internet drops affect business confidence.
- Internet drops cause sync stoppages and communication breakdowns.
- You have to wait for the internet to reconnect and you lose time.
- You may completely lose your thought.
- You may be writing an email and as the internet gets disconnected, the program is unable to save the draft and you must start all over again.
- You may be uploading an important document to a cloud service and if the internet gets disconnected, the file may not upload successfully. This way you could end up losing your file, especially if you have already deleted it from the device.
- You may be having an important video call and its interruption may have severe consequences.
- Every time your internet connection fails you (especially in business settings), your reputation takes a hit as well.
- It is just super time-consuming and frustrating!
Most Common Reasons Why Your Internet Keeps Disconnecting and Reconnecting
Frequent internet drops are a common phenomenon and there are several reasons why it may be happening. Review the reasons listed below and find the solution for each of those reasons in the next section.
Reason #1: Your modem or gateway must be restarted or updated
Certain issues are caused by the modem or gateway. It’s hard to recognize these issues, however, it is relatively simple to fix them. Luckily, this is by far the most common reason for internet droppings.
Reason #2: Your Wi-Fi signal is spotty
Your Wi-Fi signal may be spotty, which may result in constant internet disruptions if you are too far from the router or if there are any obstructions between the router and your device. Obstructions that may weaken the signal include walls, furniture, electronic devices, metal objects, and radio interference. You can determine if this is the issue by observing the device’s Wi-Fi signal meter.
Reason #3: You have a slow internet plan or you have reached your speed or data limit
In case you are trying to access more bandwidth than is offered by your internet plan, your internet will probably slow down to the extent that it will seem like it is disconnecting. Streaming and using the internet on multiple devices may contribute to reaching your speed or data limit.
Reason #4: Your networking cables are damaged
The internet connection may get frequently lost if your network cables are damaged, loose, or poorly configured. Check all the cables (the ones leading from the sockets to the router/modem and from the equipment to your device) for any signs of damage. Make sure they are tightly screwed. Moreover, check for any unused but active coaxial lines, as these may emit radio interference.
Reason #5: You are experiencing internet outages
Perhaps your internet drops (however short or long they may be) are caused by outages from your internet service provider. This reason is also quite common and certain ISPs experience more outages than others.
Reason #6: Your device must be restarted or updated
Sometimes the issue doesn’t lie in the modem or router but in the connected device instead. Smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers often experience certain glitches that are often easily fixable.
Reason #7: Your device may be switching between two connections
If there are two Wi-Fi signals available, both of which your device connects to automatically, it may spontaneously start to switch between those connections in search of the strongest signal.
Reason #8: The internet connection is over-crowded
Is someone else using the same Wi-Fi connection as you? The more people or devices connect at the same time and the more demanding tasks the devices are performing (such as streaming), the slower and weaker the connection may be. In addition, several different networks may use the same channels near each other and the channel may get overcrowded. This is particularly common in apartment buildings.
Reason #9: Your device’s network settings are faulty
Sometimes, glitches are erased by clearing the network settings and restoring them afterward.
Reason #10: Your device has a virus
Viruses may also interfere with your network connection. There are several ways to get rid of them if you already have them and to protect the device against them in the future. See the solution below.
How to Fix the Issue of the Internet Disconnecting?
The listed potential reasons why your internet keeps disconnecting may sound overwhelming. However, there is no need to worry, as every potential issue has a relatively simple solution.
Solution for Reason #1: Restart your modem/gateway or update its firmware
To restart your modem, router, or gateway simply unplug the device’s power cable from the back. Wait for a minute or two, then plug it back in. Wait for the equipment to reboot. This simple solution will almost certainly fix your internet issues.
Your internet service provider will regularly and automatically update your modem’s firmware. However, it is smart to double-check if the equipment has been updated. To do so, contact its provider.
Solution for Reason #2: Find a place with a better signal
If your signal is patchy, you should take your device and move around to find an area in your home or office where the signal is stronger and more consistent. You may also observe the signal meter to determine which obstructions block the signal and possibly remove it.
Solution for Reason #3: Upgrade your internet plan
If you have a slow internet plan or you have reached your speed or data limit, you know what to do! You must upgrade your internet game. Contact your internet service provider and purchase another plan – one that will fit your needs.
Solution for Reason #4: Fix the cables
If you spot any loose cables, make sure to screw or insert them tightly. If the cables are damaged, you will be required to purchase new ones. Checking for unused active coaxial lines, on the other hand, may be tricky, as such, you may wish to consider contacting your ISP or another professional that may be able to help you out.
Solution for Reason #5: Contact your ISP or change it
If you are experiencing outages from your ISP, you should contact your internet service provider immediately. The representative will check the internet connection in your area and let you know immediately if there is an issue on their end. If these issues keep happening, you may also consider switching to another ISP with more reliable services.
Solution for Reason #6: Restart or update your device
Restarting your device will reset your network settings and help get rid of any glitches. If that doesn’t work, make sure that the device is up to date. If not, update it. Devices tend to start malfunctioning when they don’t have the newest software.
Solution for Reason #7: Disable auto-switching
Try to disable Wi-Fi auto-switching and instead choose the connection with the strongest signal yourself and connect manually.
Solution for Reason #8: Switch to a less crowded network
If the same Wi-Fi connection is overcrowded, you may wish to check if you can ask anyone to use the connection later or to do something less internet-consuming. If the network channel is overcrowded, you can find another available channel near you by using a Wi-Fi analyzer app (e.g. Netspot). Log in to your router settings and switch the Wi-Fi channel.
Solution for Reason #9: Reset your network settings
You can set your network settings to default on your phone. You can find this option in your Settings and Connections. To reset your network settings on Windows 10, for example, you have to follow other steps. Press the Start button, go to Settings, then Network and Internet. Next, select Network Reset near the bottom of the menu and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the reset. Restart your device afterward.
Solution for Reason #10: Update your antivirus software
In case you don’t have antivirus software, you must download it first. If you have it, activate it and use it to find and eliminate any viruses or malware. Plus, make sure that the antivirus software is up to date.
Bonus Solution: Contact your internet provider
The most important thing to do when you experience internet interference is to restart both your router/modem and the connected device. If this doesn’t help, we recommend contacting your internet service provider. The representative will guide you through the process and they will probably be able to determine what the issue is and help you take any next steps.